Material and Tools
- HVS paper 2 sheets @persons
- Glue
- Scissors
Steps of Work
- Roll a sheet of used paper to its diagonal
- Glue The end of its corner
- Redo step 1 and 2
- Make a group @3 persons, so you have 6 rolled sheets.
- Cut one of 1 rolled sheets, 2 cm
- Cut wo ends of 1 rolled sheets, 2cm
- Construct a pyramid based on triangle
The Function:
- Become props of learn about geometri
2. As begining step of making geometry models
3. Stimulate students more creatively learn about geometry with a simple models.
- Use an recycled materials on making the pyramid models.2. Use other impervious materials , Like a pipette, plastic,and cork , so the pyramid will more durable and were not broke if water overflows.3. Show the unsures of pyramid by adding the diagonal space and field form.
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